Good Point is chosen as #storytelling partner by “Rebooting the Food System”, an EU-funded campaign from a consortium of 14 European NGOs.
Most people agree industrial farming ain't good for planet, workers, or ourselves. EU legislation is hampered by the power of agrobusiness. So we need to put pressure on businesses for transparency about supply chains, and on politicians to make an agroecological future viable.
To that end, for REBOOT we will conceive, design, and build a Europe-wide travelling exhibition, to engage youth and inspire action for the future of food.
Can you feel the plates shifting?
#rebootingthefoodsystem #rebootfood
Partners: Romero Initiative - CIR, Südwind, ECVC - European Coordination Via Campesina, MIJARC Europe, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, ActionAid France, Mrjc Jeunes Ruraux , Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, CEEweb for Biodiversity, Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete, Mani tese, WeWorld Onlus, Mai bine, Focus - društvo za sonaraven razvoj, EU DEAR Programme
Note: This image does not represent the eventual identity of the campaign