Our pedagogy is directly inspired by Catholic action and the Catholic Social Teaching. Action without thought is empty; thought without action is blind. Our pedagogy is based in See-Judge-Act.

Seeing reality means first of all putting words to what is experienced. To see is to listen, to hear the reality of others, what they experience, what they think. It means building shared knowledge.
Seeing and analyzing reality is not enough. It's also necessary to take a stand in relation to that reality. To judge is to discover a common sense that will enable us to take action, knowing how and why we move. To do this, the individual calls upon his or her inner values. These values are confronted with those of other group members, and with those proposed by the organization to which the group belongs.
Acting is a conscious act that transforms an unsatisfactory reality. Action aims at transformation (of the individual, the group and society); it is part of an educational process; it is carried out as part of a movement; it can be individual or collective. It is an action that is planned, reviewed and evaluated. It is continuous, linked to other actions, those of the past (historical vision) and those of the present (global vision of the current situation).
Our values for today &
The Movement
We believe in the power of coming together to exchange, discuss, create, engage and live together. As rural youth organisations, we believe that united we can better address the challenges and aspirations of rural youth .
Priority topic
of the year

The 1st phase took place in Belgium in April 2024. The study visit was dedicated to the MIJARC Europe commission members and the European Coordinators. It aimed to start the conversation on AI, its already visible impact, its benefits, and concerns for rural realities while providing access to experts, collaborations, institutions and private initiatives in AI.

The 3rd phase is an international activity focusing on the impact AI has on youth participation and democracy and aiming to give a voice to rural youth in AI-governance by building their advocacy competencies. It will take place from 27 October to 2nd of November, in Yerevan, Armenia.

The 2nd phase took place in Bucharest, Romania. The international seminar aimed to strengthen the capacity of rural youth organisations to bring AI closer to rural youth, exploring the benefits AI technologies could bring in areas relevant to rural communities, such as agriculture, employment, and basic services but also signalling potential threats such as deepening social disparities or widening the digital divide. The seminar attempted to answer key questions such as: what role should rural youth organisations play in the era of digitalization, how they could bring AI-based technologies closer to youth and what rural young people need to know and need to learn to do to have an equal seat at the AI table.